It is wonderful that in Italian the verb that defines building a chain and seducing are so similar; “To charm” therefore to join some shirts, but also to fascinate, to bewitch.

We would like our chains to do this together with our Collections, which seek to fascinate, bewitch, seduce those who meet them, to take them to another place where color, joy and amazement triumph.

pur Fil
To make our chains unique we have chosen an ancient and suggestive design, the Figaro pur fil chain, a binding with a simple appearance, actually fascinating to the touch and soft in its movement.
The Figaro Pure Fil Chain, created entirely by hand, has a soft and articulated flexibility, with long link elements, of round thread created exclusively for Florilège, which alternate with round links.
The Figaro Pure Fil Chain, created entirely by hand, has a soft and articulated flexibility, with long link elements, of round thread created exclusively for Florilège, which alternate with round links.

A much desired precious object, as a celebrated anecdote tells; to a friend who asked for advice on what to give to the woman he loved, Mademoiselle Chanel replied without hesitation “I know women, women love chains, give her a chain and she will love you”! em>