A suggestion, a dream, a journey
Brazil. A treasure chest which offers an infinite wealth of stones and colours, but also a landscape without equal.

The intense green of the tropical forest which functions as the lungs of the world, the explosion of colours of its fruits and its incredible animals, a country that celebrates colour as only nature can.

de Sucre
A collection with classic shapes and light structures, a play of intersections which, like vines, hold rounded stones with bezels embellished with small diamonds that create a delicate rhythm between the structure and the gemstones with their unique tones. The intense purple of the amethyst that lights up next to the delicate greens of the peridot and the blues of the sea and the intense gold that unifies everything.

A ‘doublette’ gemstone which amplifies the material underneath the lens with a system of transparencies and with the ‘pain de Sucre’ shape of the crystal, lets the colour at the base shine through. The peridot green and African amethyst purple is obtained from Hydro quartz, while the mother-of-pearl creates an effect of moving liquid.